Our most effective way to prevent phishing emails from entering your mailbox is to use MailGuard. We partner with MailGuard to provide our customers with a secure layer between incoming mail and their mailbox. Every email that is processed through MailGuard is automatically checked and given a score. The system then determines how safe the email is based on the score it is given. Scores below 10 are usually safe emails that contain no malicious files and emails addresses are verified by DNS SPF records. Emails that are ranked between 10 – 15 are generically false positives and are sent to quarantine. Emails that get sent to quarantine get listed in a MailGuard digest email that will be sent to you daily. The email will also give you the ability to request us to release emails that were false positives. This allows our team to double check the email and confirm it is safe before it arrives at your mailbox.
If you have further questions about MailGuard feel free to give our team a call on 1300 024 748 and we will happily show you everything MailGuard has to offer.